
Here Are Some Common Causes of Roof Damage in Canton Michigan

Roofing Damage Ann Arbor MI

The roof on your home can last for a long time. In fact, some roofing systems installed today can last as much as 50 years or more. However, even the best of materials can sometimes have problems. There are some common causes which can cause the roof to fail in some form. Usually a roof leak will develop and you’ll need to get roof repair Canton Michigan to stop the leak and continue to protect your home. We’ve outlined some of the common causes for your roof to have damage below so you can better protect your home.

Here Are Some Common Causes of Roof Damage in Canton Michigan

Sometimes no matter what you do your roof will have damage. Mother nature can sometimes cause problems that even a new roof can’t withstand such as very high winds. Other problems like falling tree limbs are simply going to give your roof problems and there isn’t much you can do about it. While these things happen they are only part of the problem. Protecting your home from damage means you need to take some proactive steps which can help with these problems. Although you may not be able to completely eliminate the threat of roof damage you can minimize the damage to your home’s roof in Canton Michigan.

Roof Repair in Canton MI

Roof Damage Caused by Weather

Weather can lead to all sorts of roof damage. High winds are one of the biggest problems for asphalt shingle roofing. And the worst part of the wind is that it usually lasts for some time which can cause roof damage on your home. The older your roof is the more likely you will have roof damage due to high winds. And although high winds can lead to roofing damage it’s not the only problem. Ice and snow can lead to problems on your roof as it continually holds moisture on the roof which can cause problems such as roof ice dams on your home’s roof.

Roof Damage Caused by Pests

Another problem that can happen is pests damaging your roof. When it’s cold outside your roof may become the home for some wayward animals or insects. One problem that we’ve seen is kitchen exhaust vents on the roof which attracts animals thinking it’s a source of food. Other damage can come from critters just scurrying around on the roof over time. If you have pests such as insects or animals on your roof it’s best to get them removed or prevent them from access to protect your roof.

Roof Damage Caused by Neglect

While keeping your roof in good condition isn’t something that takes a lot of time, some home owners completely neglect the roof altogether. There are some maintenance needs of your roof that you’ll need to do to keep it functioning properly. One problem that can happen due to neglect is debris that collects on the roof. When debris such as tree leaves collect on the roof it gets wet and holds moisture to the roofing surface. while this may not seem like much of a problem, it can lead to a roof leak on your home. Debris such as this can also lead to the shingles becoming discolored in the area where the debris is located. Also, some home owners simply don’t look at the roof. Although you don’t need to go on your roof, it’s important to look for problems every so often so that if there is a problem getting roof repair is done. And if your home does have a roof leak be sure you always get it repaired as quickly as possible. Allowing a roof leak to continue for some time can lead to all sorts of other problems in the home such as mold growth and other damages.

Get an Inspection on Your Roof

In order to get a proper assessment of your home’s roof it’s important to get a roof inspection. A qualified roofer will inspect your roof and inform you of any problems that are present. For home owners in Canton Michigan it’s best to use Twelve Oaks Roofing. They are a fully licensed and qualified roof contractor and have decades of experience. Call them today at 248-525-6950 for more details and to schedule your appointment.

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