
Should Your Home’s Siding in Ann Arbor Michigan be Repaired or Replaced?

Should Your Home's Siding in Ann Arbor Michigan be Repaired or Replaced?

Many homeowners don’t think about their homes exterior much as they feel their homes roof is far more important, but the siding on your Ann Arbor Michigan home along with roofs need plenty of proper maintenance to remain in great condition. But many don’t pay attention to their homes exterior, so it typically gets neglected which means most homeowners don’t know how to tell if their homes exterior needs to be repaired.

Should Your Home’s Siding in Ann Arbor Michigan be Repaired or Replaced?

Your homes exterior does require proper maintenance and regular inspections to ensure it’s not causing any problems to your home, many siding materials can start to wear and tear and this could leave your homes structure to be exposed to harsh elements and weather. Damaged siding can let many elements inside of your home from moisture to even bug infestation. So keeping a close eye to your homes siding with definitely decrease the risk of having these things seep into your home. We’ll go over some common problems that may tell you if you need your siding repaired or not, so let’s go over them.

Damaged Siding in Ann Arbor MI


Depending on what type of siding material you have on your home, there’s a chance it can start rotting. This is mainly homes with wooden exterior, after years of storms and neglection, your homes exterior could certainly start rotting. This can cause a lot of problems, it can cause your energy bill to rise significantly as it can let heat and air leave the home or cause a bug infestation to come into your home from holes in your homes exterior. So, if you notice any rotting on your homes exterior, it’s advised to have it replaced by a professional siding company.

Wild Animals

Many homeowners don’t think about wild animals causing threat to their homes exterior, however they certainly pose a threat. Wild animals can start nesting inside of your homes exterior, especially if it’s rotting. Like they typically do in the woods, they’ll do it to your homes exterior as well. So, if you notice any wild animals around your home, it may be a good idea to call a professional to get rid of them as they’re not the easiest to get away.

Missing Paint

Siding is typically covered in two things, sealant and paint. This is both for protection and design, so keeping up with regular maintenance to keep these two coats on is crucial for your home. If you notice any paint that is missing or starting to peel on your homes exterior, then you should have it repaired before it let’s anything inside of your home.

Siding Installer Plymouth MI

Higher Energy Bill

If you’ve noticed your energy bill increasing substantially then it could be caused by damages done to your homes exterior, regardless if you can or can’t see any damages on your homes exterior, then it could still be the issue. Have a professional come inspect your homes exterior to ensure it’s not causing you any issues with your energy bill then go from there.

Warped Siding

Warping typically happens when siding is exposed to excessive heat, if you notice your homes exterior is starting to warp then it may be caused by too much heat being exposed to it. Many homes don’t do good with extreme heat, so keep a close eye to your siding if you live in an area with plenty of heat. If your siding is warping, then hiring a local professional siding company to come out and have it repaired is your best bet as it ensures you’re starting safe.

Warping typically happens when siding is exposed to excessive heat, if you notice your homes exterior is starting to warp then it may be caused by too much heat being exposed to it.


If you’ve had your siding for a long time, then you may notice that it could be fading. This is usually an indication on how well it’s holding up. If you notice your homes exterior is fading, then having it inspected may be ideal to ensure it’s still in good condition to protect your home.

Keeping up with your homes exterior can be annoying, but being that it protects your home from plenty of dangerous elements, the effort to put into regular maintenance isn’t that bad after all. If you’ve unsure about if your homes exterior needs to be repaired still, then hiring a local professional siding company such as A2 Home Pros to come inspect it for unseen damages can help determine if your siding needs to be repaired or not. Give them a call today at (734) 548-9910 for a free quote on your siding project in Ann Arbor Michigan.

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